Ten Miles Back

Hey, my music’s in a movie! The film’s called “Ten Miles Back”, directed by Matthew Douglas Grzeszak, and I’m heading to see it at Celebration Woodland in a couple of hours. I obviously don’t know anything about the film itself, but I’m still super-excited. I’ll let you know how it all shakes down; the songs in it are going to be “House On Fire” and “Murder Ballads.”

I Survived!

My poor car, Spaceboy, met a tragic end this week.  I was rear-ended at high speed on my way to a gig at Stormcloud up in Frankfort this Saturday and…well, you be the judge.

I was knocked unconscious and don’t remember the accident at all.  Miraculously, I escaped anything remotely approaching serious injury.  Dr. Livingstone, the guitar I’ve had since I was a teenager and upon which I’ve composed nearly all of my songs, unfortunately, was not so lucky.

It’s going to be hard going on without him, but I’m determined to keep playing my music.  I will carry on in the memory of Spaceboy, Dr. Livingstone, and never forget how lucky I am to be alive.

Album Release!

Just wanted to say the album release is finally coming up! October 23rd at Tip-Top Bar & Grill. Eric and I will be appearing on John Sinkevics’ morning show tomorrow at 11am to get the word out. We’ll also sitting in for Ars Nova’s appearance on GR Live at HOME at the BOB Thursday the 20th to a couple songs, as we’re doing the CD release together and they were kind enough to invite us. I’ll be putting the album up on Bandcamp when it gets a little closer to time.


Just checking in to say I’m not dead…I’ve just been playing a lot of shows. Gots to pay them bills somehow. Some friends and I have been working on an album; we laid down some tracks at Atelier Studios in Ada last month and have been polishing things up; we’re going to finish it up home-style and put it out sometime later this year, most likely.

Just Keepin’ Current…

Hey all. These are the shows I’ve got going on in the next couple of months. Unencumbered by the burden of gainful employment as I am, I’m going to be hitting the phones even harder, so there’ll be more to come. Fingers crossed. Anyhoo…

December 18, Elk Brewing (Grand Rapids), 8-11
January 24, The Hideout (Grand Rapids), 8:30-10:3
January 30, Right Brain Brewery (Traverse City), 7-9
February 28, Saugatuck Brewing Co. (Saugatuck), 6:30-10:3
March 13, Michigan By the Bottle (Shelby), 7-9:30

Dale Wicks on Twitter

I have a Twitter account now, so you know Twitter has officially peaked! Anyhow, it’s https://twitter.com/DaleWicksMusic, and I’ll be talking about my various gigs and recording projects…kind of like here, but in 140 characters or less.
I also put a few new tracks up in the music section from Real Still Life. I’ve outgrown the recordings, cringeworthily so, but the songs are still good, so you may listen if you do not judge. Those are at https://dalewicks.bandcamp.com/album/real-still-life. There are more songs on there, but I thought I’d start with these five, so as to not appear too clownish.

New Full-Time Gig…

Tomorrow, I begin the exciting life of a professional musician. Meaning I’ll be otherwise unemployed, so time to start gettin’ serious about these bookin’ thangs. Here are the ones I have coming up:

Michigan By The Bottle (Shelby, MI) 7:00 – 9:00
Elk Brewing (Grand Rapids, MI) 8:00 – 11:00
Saugatuck Brewing Co. (Saugatuck, MI) 6:30-10:30

Upcoming Shows

Hi! I found out how to update this again. Just wanted to tell you about some shows I’ve got coming up. Since this is the part of this site I can update, this is where I’ll probably be doing it henceforward.

8/10 – The Hideout, Grand Rapids (7 pm)
8/16 – Quinn & Tuites, Grand Rapids (9 pm, playing bass for Spanking Monica)
8/29 through 8/31 – The Draught House, Mackinac, (9 pm)
9/5 – Right Brain Brewery, Traverse City (7 pm)
9/11 – Elk Brewery, Grand Rapids (8 pm)
9/20 – The Joshua Dennis Block Party Bash, Grand Rapids (9pm)

2014 Jammies

Did everybody hit the WYCE Jammies this year? I try to make it out just so I can see all of my music friends that I don’t get to talk to as much as I like. I also stopped by Hub’s Inn to see Sam and Emma’s frenetic stage show and Stovepipe Stover’s one-beard band, who I try to catch whenever he’s in town. He comes correct.